Business Foundation Services
Your optimal business structure depends on your current and future needs.
Clearly Financials will learn about your business and go through the pros and cons of your various options including:
Sole-proprietorship (unincorporated business)
Incorporation (single or multiple corporate structure)
Every situation is unique. While there are potential tax savings with corporations, incorporation may not make sense for everyone.
Structure Selection services
start at $249 + GST
Clearly Financials will collaborate with your lawyer, or with you directly, to ensure that your corporation is set up optimally for your current needs and future growth.
Get set up properly to ensure your business runs smoothly and avoids future problems.
We also offer the filing of annual returns and other necessary corporate filings.
Complete incorporation packages
start at $725 + GST
Alberta Annual returns
start at $125 + GST
Speak with our Business Management to prepare your business for success.
Our systems will allow you to compare your business plan with your actual performance in real-time.
Business Plans
start at $995 + GST
Clearly financials will assist your business with setting up Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) accounts including:
Business numbers, GST accounts (considering various options, including the Quick Method of GST), Payroll accounts (including tax planning), Dividend accounts, and more.
CRA Business Account Setup
starts at $125 + GST